What powers do the Hartlepool and Middlesbrough Development Corporations have?

The Hartlepool and Middlesbrough Mayoral Development Corporations have been set up to oversee the regeneration of Hartlepool and Middlesbrough town centres and surrounding areas.

In order to carry out their role, power over a number of functions relating to town and country planning and development control within the Hartlepool and Middlesbrough Mayoral Development Areas have transferred from Hartlepool and Middlesbrough Borough Councils to the Development Corporations.

The Development Corporations have, predominantly, been delegated responsibility for determining major planning applications. The full list of powers is set out in the relevant Scheme of Delegation (INSERT LINK).

Who do I submit my application to?

If you are thinking of submitting an application, you should determine whether the site falls within the boundary of one of the Development Corporations. (insert link to zoomable maps) The Planning Portal website (insert planning portal link) can assist with this. If the site is not located within the boundary of a Development Corporation, your application should be submitted to the relevant Local Planning Authority: Hartlepool Borough Council or Middlesbrough Borough Council.

How will the Hartlepool and Middlesbrough Development Corporations deal with my planning application?

The planning process is controlled through governmental legislation which, for example, requires a local planning authority to carry out consultation. Whilst the Development Corporations have been given powers determine certain planning applications, the changes to the planning process will be limited.

The Development Corporations are required to validate planning applications in line with their Validation Checklist (INSERT LINK).

The Development Corporations are required to consult adjoining owner/occupiers and those who may be affected by a proposed development, along with other bodies and statutory consultees, e.g., the Highways Authority, Natural England etc. depending on the type of application.

If any significant changes to the planning application are made, further consultations may be carried out.

The application will then be decided as a delegated decision or by the Board of the relevant Development Corporation. The Development Corporation must have regard to all material planning considerations which are raised throughout the planning process when making a decision.

How much will my planning application cost?

Fees for planning applications are set nationally by the Government are detailed in the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012, as amended. (insert link to Gov website)

The planning fee for an application submitted to the Development Corporations or Hartlepool or Middlesbrough Borough Councils will be the same.

How long will my planning application take to determine?

The statutory time limits for determining an application for planning permission are set nationally by the Government and are set out in article 34 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure (England) Order 2015 (as amended).

They are 13 weeks for applications for major development, 10 weeks for applications for technical details consent and applications for public service infrastructure development, and 8 weeks for all other types of development (unless an application is subject to an to an Environmental Impact Assessment, in which case a 16 week limit applies).

Where a planning application takes longer than the statutory period to decide, and an extended period has not been agreed with the applicant, the government’s policy is that the decision should be made within 26 weeks at most in order to comply with the ‘planning guarantee’.

The statutory timescales for determining an application for planning permission submitted to the Development Corporations or Hartlepool or Middlesbrough Borough Councils will be the same.

We will be working hard to progress your application and we will endeavour to determine your application within the statutory timescales. If any delays occur, we will write to you and we may request an extension of time to determine your application.

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