The Tees Valley Combined Authority’s Constitution sets out how decisions will be taken in the Tees Valley.
Fundamentally, only Cabinet can make investment decisions. However, in some cases these decisions have been delegated to other parties of the Combined Authority under delegated arrangements i.e. without having to go to a Cabinet meeting for approval. The Scheme of Delegation as noted in the Constitution, specifies those powers of the Cabinet which are exercisable from time to time by Officers, with approval from the Chief Executive, Mayor, Portfolio Holder and the Finance Director.
Delegated decisions for the Tees Valley Investment Plan can be exercised under the following circumstances:
In the case of ‘key decisions’ (as defined in The Constitution), we will notify the Overview and Scrutiny Committee within two days of the decision having been agreed, and they have the option to ‘call in’ the decision if they feel necessary.
We are committed to robust decision-making and ensuring that our financial management processes, ensure public money is being spent responsibly. We always strive to achieve high standards for being open and transparent about how we are investing the money we receive, and all delegated decisions made from June 2019 and to date are recorded here, as well as those prior to June 2019.
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