Middlesbrough Southern Connectivity: Town Centre to Acklam and Coulby Newham

Closing Date: 16th August 2024

Location: Middlesbrough

This consultation is now closed. 

Buses are often delayed due to traffic congestion between the town centre and Acklam and Coulby Newham. The junctions between Acklam Road and Mandale Road and several roundabouts can get particularly busy. On-street bus stops increase congestion and cause delays to other vehicles as buses must stop on the road. Walking, wheeling, and cycling routes are disconnected to the south of Middlesbrough, and in certain areas, cyclists need to share the road with general traffic which could cause safety concerns. There is an opportunity to improve bus journey times and provide better facilities for walking, wheeling, and cycling.   

The lively areas to the south of Middlesbrough Town Centre have a mix of residential areas, independent shops and retail parks like Parkway Shopping Centre and the Viewley Centre. Parks such as Ayresome Gardens, Albert Park, and Hemlington Lake are key places for leisure and relaxation for the community. Other important destinations in the area include Tees Valley Hospital, West Lane Hospital, Acklam Hall, Teesside University, and a number of schools. 

Current Transport Issues

Lots of people live, work, and study in the town centre, and we know that many journeys to and from the centre from the south are made using Acklam Road and surrounding routes. These are busy routes and buses can often be held up when travelling along Acklam Road, which causes long and unreliable journeys. Walking, wheeling, and cycling routes are disconnected to the south of Middlesbrough, and in certain areas, cyclists need to share the road with general traffic which could cause safety concerns. We want to improve walking, wheeling, cycling, and bus journeys to provide more attractive travel options, so people have more choice over how they want to travel in the area.

For an enlarged version of the map, please click here.

We know that buses can often be held up when travelling in the area, which causes long and unreliable journeys. Walking, wheeling, and cycling routes are also disconnected with no continuous route to Coulby Newham. We have identified transport issues in the following locations:

Town Centre to Acklam Road  

  • There is no direct continuous cycle route connecting Middlesbrough Town Centre with the residential areas to the south including Acklam and Coulby Newham.  
  • Cyclists must share the road with other vehicles, which could make cyclists feel unsafe.  
  • There are several junctions along the route that can be difficult for people walking, wheeling, and cycling to navigate. 

Acklam Road and B1365 between Acklam and Hemlington 

  • There are several junctions along the route that can be difficult for people walking, wheeling, and cycling to navigate.  
  • New residential developments do not have access to the cycle network. 

Acklam Road / Mandale Road Junction 

  • Frequent delays for all vehicles using the junction throughout the entire day.  
  • Bus journeys are particularly slow in this location, resulting in long and unreliable journeys.   
  • The timing of the traffic lights does not give priority to buses, resulting in delays and long journey times.  
  • Locations of bus stops which are close to the junctions means buses struggle to get back into the traffic.  
  • There are no cycle crossings at the junction, so cyclists must mix with vehicles. 
  • Pedestrians may have to cross at two sets of traffic lights which can take longer. 

Blue Bell Roundabout 

  • Frequent delays for all vehicles using the roundabout.  
  • Bus journeys can be delayed at the roundabout during busy periods, resulting in long and unreliable journeys.  
  • No safe crossings for walkers, wheelers, and cyclists at the roundabout. 

A174/B1365 Junction (south of A174) 

  • The speed of vehicles in this area results in safety concerns for all road users at the junction. 
  • There are no dedicated crossings. Walkers, wheelers, and cyclists can feel unsafe crossing the slip roads to and from the A174.  
  • The busy traffic travelling north south along the B1365 makes it difficult for vehicles to access or exit the slip roads from the A174 leading to delays. 
  • Bus journeys can be delayed at the roundabout during busy periods, resulting in long and unreliable journeys. 
  • Journey times through this junction are not reliable. 

Viewley Centre 

  • Bus journeys through the area take longer than they are meant to during busy periods. 
  • Lots of buses use the Viewley Centre and at times this can get crowded.  
  • When it is busy buses can be delayed at key junctions surrounding the Viewley Centre. 

Stainton Way 

  • Bus journeys through the area take longer than they are meant to during busy periods.   
  • Delays for all road users, particularly during school pick-up and drop-off periods.  
  • Lots of vehicles turning right to access the school can cause long wait times for other vehicles using the roundabout. 
  • During busy periods lots of vehicles access the Parkway Shopping Centre via the Dalby Way roundabout which causes congestion and delays in the area.

Here are some opportunities that may help address the issues we have identified in this area: 

  • Introduce measures to give buses priority over other vehicles such as a dedicated bus lane. 
  • Traffic light systems that give buses priority at junctions and queue jump lanes. 
  • We could improve the layout of junctions and roads to allow them to operate better. 
  • Implement intelligent traffic management systems to reduce overall congestion and improve traffic flow.  
  • Improvements to bus stops, so that it is easier for buses to rejoin traffic after stopping. 
  • Introduce cycle priority measures such as cycle lanes and cycle crossings to fill in gaps in the network to provide a continuous route for people walking, wheeling, and cycling.     
  • Improve road crossings for walkers, wheelers, and cyclists including safer crossings and formalising crossings.     
  • Improve paths for walking, wheeling, and cycling.      
  • Improve road safety through traffic calming or reducing speed limits.   

These may offer the following benefits:  

  • Safer and more attractive journeys for people walking, wheeling, and cycling.    
  • Dedicated paths for cyclists mean they do not need to share road space, reducing conflicts with other road users.  
  • Improved walking, wheeling, and cycling links between Middlesbrough town centre and areas to the south.  
  • Contributes to the delivery of a full and connected network of cycle routes across Middlesbrough.  
  • Buses can bypass waiting traffic, so they can move ahead more quickly. 
  • Buses could move through junctions more efficiently. 
  • Red light waiting times could reduce. 
  • Quicker journey times for buses using priority measures. 
  • Reduced congestion and queuing could result in more reliable journeys for all vehicles. 

We recognise that there may be some impacts, these could include: 

  • Vehicles might need to give way to buses. 
  • Existing grass verges may need to be reduced. 
  • Cars and other vehicles may have to wait slightly longer at the traffic lights or junctions. 
  • May reduce available space for other road users meaning congestion could increase.
  • Restricting movements at junctions may mean you have a longer journey. 
  • The existing carriageway may need to be narrowed to provide space for cycle infrastructure.


Stage 1 - Sharing ambitions and vision for transport improvements across Tees Valley. Summer 2023
Stage 2 - Public engagement looking at key issues and opportunities around potential transport solutions. Summer 2024
Stage 3 - Specific consultations after transport plans are further developed with public feedback taken onboard.

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