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Home » News » Visionary Business Leaders Sought To Back Growth Plans
Tees Valley Combined Authority | Published on: 14th December 2017
Tees Valley Combined Authority is seeking business leaders to support its ambitious programme of economic transformation.
A call has been made for new members of the Tees Valley Local Enterprise Partnership, to build upon the strong role of business leadership in the area and ensure a diverse range of voices to assist in the region’s growth.
The Partnership, chaired by Paul Booth, works alongside Mayor Ben Houchen and the Combined Authority, plus the leaders of five councils and the wider business community. Members would assist in supporting strategies for skills and employment, improving transport infrastructure, promoting finance for business and encouraging inward investors to the Tees Valley.
In particular, the Combined Authority and Partnership are seeking applications from business leaders in the digital sector and small or medium-sized enterprise community.
Business leaders would work to:
Paul Booth, Tees Valley Local Enterprise Partnership Chairman, said: “In the past year, we have seen a number of huge milestones in our drive for a locally-led approach to economic development and the role of our business leaders in this is critical for its success.
“Significant progress has been made by the Partnership this year and we are now reaching out to make sure our pool of expertise is as diverse as possible. I would encourage anyone who thinks they can make this essential contribution to the area to put themselves forward.”
Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen said: “With a wealth of local business talent at our fingertips, the potential for calling on invaluable expert knowledge to help the continued growth of the Tees Valley economy is huge.
“We would like to hear voices from the key digital sector in particular, with SMEs also vital to our plans. This is an opportunity not only for the Combined Authority but also for visionary business leaders to shape their own future and ensure the prosperity of their region.”
For more information and to register interest, visit www.teesvalley-ca.gov.uk/business-leaders
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