Date: 14th March - 16th March 2024

Location: Borough Road Darlington DL1 1SG

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Blink. Blink again. What do you see?

Day by day your world is filling up with colour, little one.
Reds and blues, yellows and greens. Twinkling lights that glisten and gleam.

Your reflection is staring back at you. Wide eyed and full of hope. Mirrors, lights, colours and sounds. The world is your Kaleidoscope.

Inspired by research into how a baby’s sense of sight develops and how they instinctively begin to categorise colour, watch as a multi-coloured Kaleidoscope is brought to life for you and your baby in this mesmerising show.

Suitable for 0-2 years.


Thurs 14th March
9.45am / 11.30am & 1.30pm

Fri 15th March
9.45am / 11.30am & 1.30pm

Sat 16th March
10am / 11.45am / 1.30pm

Duration: 25 minutes plus optional 15-20 minutes stay and play.


Tickets: Adult £7 / Child £7 Adult and child combined £12 – discount applied at checkout.


Borough Road Darlington DL1 1SG



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