Northallerton to Eaglescliffe Freight Clearance


The movement of freight is a vital part of the Tees Valley economy and will play an increasingly important role as investment projects and the Teesside Freeport develops.  

At the moment, rail freight via the East Coast Main Line moves onto the Tees Valley Line via Darlington – which acts as a constraint.  

Funding from the first round of the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement was allocated to focussing on gauge clearance work on the Northallerton to Eaglescliffe line to bring this into use.  

This would involve improvements at four locations to either lower the track or rebuild bridges and tunnels to allow larger shipping containers to travel on the most direct and efficient route to and from Teesside and the south.  

TVCA has allocated £7.1million of funding as a contribution to this scheme and additional government money for investment in the rail network will need to be secured to deliver the scheme


  • Supporting further upgrades on the network to remove constraints and improve freight efficiency. 
  • Opportunities to reinstate or introduce new infrastructure to remove barriers to the use of rail freight at key locations.


£7.1million allocation agreed by TVCA Cabinet. September 2021

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