Could investing in apprenticeships support your business growth?
Apprenticeships are playing an increasingly important role in Tees Valley industry, helping to meet the needs of a growing and rapidly changing local economy. We work closely with local businesses to help develop these opportunities and support employers to take on apprentices.
Training and investing in apprentices can bring a wide range of business benefits. Whether that is through filling skills gaps, bringing fresh insights and ideas, or upskilling and revitalising the workforce to make sure your business is ready for the future.
Find out below how our Apprenticeship Support Grant or Levy Matching Service could help your business.
A free service to help match levy payers who want to transfer unspent funds with other local Tees Valley businesses who are looking to take on apprentices.
Apprenticeship Support GrantGrants of £2,000 or £3,000 to help employers who are committed to creating a new apprenticeship, or progressing their existing apprentice onto a higher level of apprenticeship.
You can book a fifteen-minute appointment with a Business Solutions Advisor at a time that suits you to discuss your apprenticeship needs.
Contact [email protected] to book.
Wilton Engineering launched its Apprenticeship Academy in 2022, built on two decades of vocational training to support the development of its workforce.
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