UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)


Tees Valley is an area of challenge and opportunity. Our region is rapidly transforming to realise new economic opportunities, whilst addressing some of the structural economic challenges and imbalances that have faced our area for too long.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is a central pillar of the UK Government’s ambitious Levelling Up agenda and a significant component of its support for places across the UK.

All areas of the UK receive an allocation from the Fund via a funding formula rather than a competition. It will help places right across the country deliver enhanced outcomes and recognises that even the most affluent parts of the UK contain pockets of deprivation and need support.

UKSPF forms part of a suite of complementary levelling up funding. It must complement and not duplicate other resources e.g. Adult Education Budget, European Structural Investment Funds (remaining delivery) Levelling Up Fund, Town Deals, Future High Street Fund, Community Renewal etc.


What does it mean for the Tees Valley?

Tees Valley Allocation By Intervention

Investment PriorityInterventionUKSPF Allocation
Communities & PlaceE1: Improvements to town centres & high streets£7,300,700
Communities & PlaceE4: Enhancing existing cultural, historic & heritage institutions offer£1,660,000
Communities & PlaceE5: Built & landscaped environment to ‘design out crime’£1,300,000
Communities & PlaceE6: Local arts, cultural, heritage & creative activities£9,524,976
Communities & PlaceE8: Campaigns to encourage visits and exploring of local area£2,440,000
Communities & PlaceE11: Capacity building & infrastructure to support local groups£1,000,000
Communities & PlaceE14: Relevant feasibility studies£1,500,000
Communities & PlaceCommunities & Place Interventions Total £24,725,676
Supporting Local BusinessE23: Strengthening local entrepreneurial ecosystems£10,500,000
Supporting Local BusinessE29: Supporting decarbonisation & improving natural environment£2,500,000
Supporting Local BusinessLocal Business Interventions Total£13,000,000
People & SkillsE33: Employment support for economically inactive people£5,000,000
MultiplyMultiply Programme£3,600,000
People & SkillsPeople & Skills Interventions Total£8,600,000
Total UKSPF £46,325,676


Tees Valley UKSPF Evidence Base

This document sets out the evidence of Tees Valley Challenges & Opportunities that informed the prioritisation of funding under the three UKSPF priority areas:

• Communities & Place
• People & Skills
• Supporting Local Business

Download here

Tees Valley UKSPF Forward Plan 2022-25

This document contains details of the themes, proposed route to market and allocation of UKSPF in Tees Valley.

Please note that this is a live document and is subject to change.

Download here

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If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Supporting Local Business – Update May 2024

Tees Valley Combined Authority is pleased to announce that UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) has been awarded via the Supporting Local Business theme to new delivery partners who have been awarded funding to deliver against the interventions aimed at Net Zero, Securing Investment, Supply Chain and Digital.

Click here to find out more.

Multiply Programme Update – November 2022

The Combined Authority is pleased to announce that following the recent procurement of the Multiply Programme, 9 providers have been awarded a contract to deliver the against the interventions aimed at providing new intensive and flexible numeracy courses targeted at people without Level 2 maths, leading to a Functional Skills Qualification.

 Skills Providers will develop and test new models of face-to-face delivery for new and intensive numeracy courses.  The courses will be flexible (e.g. evening/weekends, in the workplace/in the community) and intensive (up to 60GLH). The intention is that they will be pre-cursor to a FSQ and will enable the learner to seamlessly progress into a FSQ course at level 1 and/or level 2. Courses will be targeted at those adults (unemployed) / employed) who, through initial and diagnostic assessment, require this additional intensive support to be able to progress to a FSQ.

These courses will also test and trial courses with employers for those employees that are identified as having skills gaps and/or facing financial hardship i.e. in work poverty.

Successful Providers

ProviderContact NameWebsite
CommunicatorsSuzanne Lister and Isobel
Darlington CollegeSean
Eden TrainingKatrina
J&K TrainingAnn
Learning Curve GroupJudith
New College DurhamLinda
People PlusAlan Green and Elizabeth
Triage CentrumJasmin

In addition to the above, the Combined Authority can also confirm that Hartlepool Borough Council has been awarded the contract to deliver the Community Led element of the UKSPF Multiply Programme, working primarily with the Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations as well as other Local Authority’s and Providers across the Tees Valley.

If you or know of an organisation that is interested in working with Hartlepool Borough Council to ensure the successful delivery of these activities, then please contact Scott Campbell.

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