
When we receive a planning application, we inform neighbours in writing. We will inform other residents if we feel that the impact may be wider (normally for larger developments).

How a decision is made


When we receive a planning application, we inform neighbours in writing. We will inform other residents if we feel that the impact may be wider (normally for larger developments).

The end of the consultation period will be included on your letter.

You can also comment by letter to:

  • Middlesbrough Development Corporation, Teesside Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, Darlington, DL2 1NJ; or
  • Hartlepool Development Corporation, Teesside Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, Darlington, DL2 1NJ

You can also comment by email, sending your response to [email protected] or [email protected]

Make sure your comments are relevant to the application, please include the site address and application number on your representation. Do not leave it until the end of the 21 days to make your views known.

Planning applications are public documents. Any comments made for or against a planning application are available for the public to view.

We take all issues raised into account when forming a recommendation, but we can only afford weight to material planning considerations which include, but are not limited to the following:

  • How the application complies with national, local planning policies, neighbourhood plans and guidance;
  • Whether there are any other issues or planning constraints affecting the site, such as flood risk, contaminated land, conservation areas, listed buildings etc;
  • How the development fits in with its surroundings;
  • Design and appearance;
  • Scale;
  • Materials;
  • Access;
  • Traffic generation;
  • Use/activity to be carried out;
  • Nuisance eg noise;
  • Contribution to any significant local, national or international objective;
  • Previous appeal decisions;
  • Compliance with Central Government’s National Planning Policy Framework;
  • Central Government’s planning circulars eg affordable housing, planning gain, and the historic environment.

The following are examples of issues that the Development Corporations cannot give weight to when making a planning decision:

  • Personal circumstances of the applicant;
  • Private rights and covenants;
  • Boundary disputes/ownership matters;
  • Other legislation such as the Party Wall Act;
  • Protection of a view;
  • Property values/financial loss.

The amount of opposition or support for a scheme does not in itself constitute a reason for either granting or refusing planning permission.


We aim to determine all:

  • minor or householder planning applications within 8 weeks;
  • major developments within 13 weeks;
  • applications requiring an Environmental Assessment within 16 weeks.

A decision will be made by either a delegated officer, signed off by the Head of Planning, or by the Board of the relevant Development Corporation. Applications which must be referred to the Development Corporation Boards are as follows:

  1. Any application which any Elected Member requests in writing should be referred to the Board for decision. Such request to be received within 21 days of the publication of details of the application or such later time with the permission of the Chair of the Board. The request should be accompanied with a material planning reason for the application to be referred.
  2. Any application within a parished area which the appropriate Parish Council requests in writing should be referred to the Board for decision. Such request to be received within 21 days of the publication of details of the application or such later time with the permission of the Chair of the Board. The request should be accompanied with a material planning reason for the application to be referred.
  3. Any planning application which has received five or more material planning objections from separate addresses.
  4. Any application with an Officer recommendation to approve which is significantly contrary to current planning policy.
  5. Any application to develop land without compliance with conditions previously attached, unless there are fewer than three material planning objections.
  6. Any application for retrospective planning permission for development already carried out, unless there are fewer than three material planning objections.
  7. Any application for planning permission made by a local authority or Mayoral Development Corporation, alone or jointly with another person.
  8. Any application for consent to display an advertisement unless there are fewer than three material planning objections.
  9. Any application for Hazardous Substances Consent and related powers.
  10. Any application for Listed Building Consent, unless there are fewer than three material planning objections.

If you have made a comment, you must confirm in writing if you want to speak at the meeting of the Board of the Development Corporation to explain your objections or support. You may wish to request that a ward councillor speaks on your behalf.

Check the Board of the Development Corporation Planning Meeting agendas five working days before the meeting to make sure that the planning application is on the agenda.

We are unable to advise everyone who has submitted a representation to a planning application of the final decision.

Approved applications may have planning conditions attached. It’s important to check these and ensure that your development complies with them. If you don’t, you may be liable to enforcement action or even invalidate your permission. These conditions can be appealed.

If we refuse a planning application, we will give you reasons why we did so. For further information on how to appeal a decision visit the uk website (

Only the applicant can appeal against the council’s decision. There is no third party right of appeal against the granting of a planning application.

Please be aware that, in the case of a householder application, in the event of an appeal that proceeds by way of the expedited procedure, any representations made about the application will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representations.

Amending a Planning Permission

How to amend a planning permission

You can make two types of amendments to an approved application:

  • non-material: we will check minor changes to a proposal within 28 days; or
  • material: for more significant changes, we need to change the approved plans condition on your permission. You will submit your revised plans and we will consider this as a new application.

Both applications for non-material and material changes will incur a planning fee.

Visit and find out how a proposal that has planning permission can be amended. To make an amendment complete the Planning Portal form. You will be asked what type of application you are making at step two.

Find a Planning Application

How to Find a Planning Application

Use our planning register to find information and comment on a current planning application in the Mayoral Development areas or to search for determined applications.

If you have any problems in accessing the register, please contact the Development Corporation via:

To view a physical copy of a planning application, please contact the Development Corporation via phone or email (above) to arrange a time to visit between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday:

  • Middlesbrough Development Corporation, Teesside Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, Darlington, DL2 1NJ; or
  • Hartlepool Development Corporation, Teesside Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, Darlington, DL2 1NJ

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