Powers in relation to the functions of town and country planning and development control within the Mayoral Development Areas transfer to the relevant Development Corporation on 1st June 2023. Powers relating to creating documents that form part of the Development Plan remain with the relevant Borough Council.
On 1st June 2023, Hartlepool Development Corporation will take on all powers in relation to the functions of town and country planning and development control within the Mayoral Development Area.
Existing live planning applications affecting land within the Development Corporation area which remain undetermined on 1st June 2023 will be transferred from Hartlepool Borough Council to the Hartlepool Development Corporation for determination.
The quickest and easiest way to submit a planning application to the Development Corporations is via the Planning Portal. This will help you choose the correct application form and take you step by step through the application process. It will help you calculate the planning application fee and make the payment online.
If you cannot access the Planning Portal then please contact the Development Corporation by phone or email and we will send you a paper form which can be submitted by email or by post to:
Please note that a planning application cannot be progressed until all the necessary supporting information and the appropriate fee is received.
On 1st June 2023, Middlesbrough Development Corporation will take on all powers in relation to the functions of town and country planning and development control within the Mayoral Development Area.
Existing live planning applications affecting land within the Development Corporation area which remain undetermined on 1st June 2023 will be transferred from Middlesbrough Council to the Middlesbrough Development Corporation for determination.
The quickest and easiest way to submit a planning application to the Development Corporations is via the Planning Portal. This will help you choose the correct application form and take you step by step through the application process. It will help you calculate the planning application fee and make the payment online.
If you cannot access the Planning Portal then please contact the Development Corporation by phone or email and we will send you a paper form which can be submitted by email or by post to:
Please note that a planning application cannot be progressed until all the necessary supporting information and the appropriate fee is received.
For more information about the development corporations, including planning information, follow the key links:
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